Tag Archives: engraving

Commonly Asked Engraving Questions

Engraving servicesWhat items can be engraved?

A wide range of products can be engraved to personalise them. Objects such as tankards, jewellery and plaques are what usually come to mind, but items such as laptops, iPads, tools and even guns can be engraved with text, patterns and symbols. Using engraving is a wonderful way to make something unique to you or your company, and it can be applied to a huge number of items. Here are our top eight frequently asked questions about engraving services:  Continue reading

What are Traffolyte Labels Commonly Used For?

Traffolyte labels

Traffolyte labels are used in industrial applications and are ideal engraving solutions. Traffolyte as a material has insulating properties and this makes it ideal for application in electrical engineering, especially where labelling is necessary. It is simply a multi-layered plastic sheet suitable for engraving when creating labels. These labels can help to offer information about some points in a system and are especially useful in technical projects that require keen observation and control. Power plants use the labels to indicate voltage at some points and to caution users against interfering with some sections of the system. Continue reading

Laser Cutting & Engraving Tips

laser engraving


Laser cutting involved cutting a precise shape from a material using a laser beam. The beam is directed onto the material and it cuts through by burning the material. There are different types of laser cutters available. The choice of laser cutter depends on the material to be cut and the precision required. Similarly, laser engraving involves using laser beams to engrave shapes and patterns on a material with high precision. The processes require skill and close attention to ensure a perfect result. As such, the following tips come in handy for a laser cutter and engraver.

Material Preparation

Proper material preparation is central to a smooth process of cutting and engraving.


First, the smoke of the engraving tends to stain the adjoining surfaces.To avoid this, you should cover the material with a masking tape. The masking tape does not affect the strength of the laser beam, while the adjoining surfaces remain protected.


It is also smart to check the laser for presets for particular cuttings. Mostly, workers will find themselves cutting and the same shapes and sizes over and over again. Therefore, it becomes prudent to have preset lasers for each situation and hence worker faster and more efficiently.

Test Cuts

Also, running a test cut before the actual cut prepare you for a smooth process.It to eliminate any flaws one might have put during the actual cut.

Use Layers

The tricks also require being able to print a design at a time. This means one has to use layers. The following are some merits of using layers

– You are able to control the order of cuts.The layers allow you to have control over the order of cuts. The control will allow you to be in control of your own designs

-It allows you to host several designs in one file. This platform is great. You get to have all your designs in one file under different layers

– The layers allow you to come up with a guide. The guide can be easily used by other engravers in future projects

Guiding Laser

It is always important to have a laser that can point where the cutting will be done. There are lasers with red pointer dots that enable the workers to work with precision (Biostable). The red dot traces the edges of the shape to be cut or engraved and guides the worker through the process.

The Different Engraving Processes

engraving processes


Engraving is an art of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface by cutting groves onto it. An engraving is a resultant picture from the art. This art can be learned from various institutions while other some people have the art as a talent. There are various sources where one can buy this kind of art. One of these sources is Able Engraving, where you can get products such as nameplates, memorial plaques, instrument panels, rating plates just to mention but a few. Continue reading

Can It Be Engraved?

can it be engraved

Some materials that can be engraved

Engraving is the art of carving a graphic design on a hard surface. The aim of this art is to produce an attractive item. The carved design can be either an image or text. To carve this design, a number of methods are used to give a pretty finished result. These methods include hand engraving, laser engraving (automatic) and machine engraving. The method to employ depends mostly on the type of material you want to engrave. This article lists three materials that can be used in engraving. Continue reading